High Quality AAA Replica Louis Vuitton Best Bags Handbags Black Sheepskin LV Twist M24246
$153.00 $201.00
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[M24246 Black Nailed] This Pico GO-14 handbag is made of soft sheep leather, with a quilted pattern that pays tribute to the Malletage lining design of Louis Vuitton’s traditional hard trunk. Dazzling studs and LV Twist locks highlight the brand’s style, and the adjustable sliding chain allows for shoulder or cross-body wear. 15 x 10 x 6.5 cm (length x height x width) xg
Brands: Louis Vuitton
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10/10 very cool lv bag (((came quickly
Consistent with the description
Thank you all good
No smell
Very satisfied with the purchase, all as in the description)