Jacquemus Crossbody & Shoulder Bags
$118.00 $152.00
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Jacquemus⃝ LE CARINU Shoulder Bag
Style No. 2038
Size: Length 19CMX Height 13CMX Width 3.5CM
Brands: Jacquemus
Categories: Bags, Crossbody & Shoulder Bags
Tags: jacquemus bag belt bag, jacquemus bag big size, jacquemus bag orange fur, jacquemus le baci straw bag, jacquemus le chiquito leather bag, jacquemus mini bag dupe
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The bag is good, the quality is good and the shipping was fast.
Good seller, sent lightning. Came very quickly, in 22 days.
The bag is just super, I advise everyone
awesome backbag, exactly like the picture,
The bag quality is excellent. And the goods came faster for 14 days. In general; very quickly.
A good bag, and the quality is good. they look reliable
Thank you to the seller, I received the order. I liked the bag.
The bag came whole, well packed. The goods went exactly a month. I’m happy with everyone,
Got in the Mail earlier than expected. The quality of the bag is excellent.