Louis Vuitton LV Capucines Replica Bags Handbags White Weave Mini M57945
$123.00 $175.00
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Premium quality original leather 💋M57945 white ]
This Capucines mini handbag has a wide two-color shoulder strap and handle embellished with woven leather details. Its fresh color complements the elegant artistic conception of the LV letters.
Detailed dimensions: 21 x 14 x 8 cm
(Length x Height x Width)
This Capucines mini handbag has a wide two-color shoulder strap and handle embellished with woven leather details. Its fresh color complements the elegant artistic conception of the LV letters.
Detailed dimensions: 21 x 14 x 8 cm
(Length x Height x Width)
Brands: Louis Vuitton, LV Capucines
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