Best Wholesale Replica Louis Vuitton LV Onthego 7 Star Handbags Tote Bags Cowhide Raffia Beach M24723
$154.00 $219.00
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This OnTheGo medium handbag is from the LV By The Pool series. It is made of crocheted raffia to create a tote bag shape and can accommodate a 13-inch laptop, beach towel and other travel essentials. Studded corners in calfskin complement the round Louis Vuitton Paris patch.
The gift box packaging of this product may be reasonably adjusted depending on the inventory situation, and may be different from the packaging style displayed on this product page. Please refer to the actual gift box packaging style received for details.
37.5 x 30 x 17 cm
(Length x Height x Width)0
This OnTheGo medium handbag is from the LV By The Pool series. It is made of crocheted raffia to create a tote bag shape and can accommodate a 13-inch laptop, beach towel and other travel essentials. Studded corners in calfskin complement the round Louis Vuitton Paris patch.
The gift box packaging of this product may be reasonably adjusted depending on the inventory situation, and may be different from the packaging style displayed on this product page. Please refer to the actual gift box packaging style received for details.
37.5 x 30 x 17 cm
(Length x Height x Width)0
Brands: Louis Vuitton, LV Onthego
Tags: louis vuitton cabas onthego, louis vuitton onthego capri, louis vuitton onthego mini, louis vuitton onthego mm black, louis vuitton onthego schwarz, louis vuitton onthego top handle
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Great seller came to the quite quickly about 2 weeks delivery. Colour is beautiful! Thanks x
Bought 5. recommend, good product
Very pretty just like the picture fabric and closures good quality I love it❤️
everything is soundly packed. Purchase is happy. 🙂