Dior Book Tote Fake Handbags Tote Bags Cheap Replica Designer White Embroidery
Large size BOOK TOTE handbag
White fabric multi-color Mexico Jouy print embroidery (41cm)
This Book Tote handbag is designed by Dior Creative Director Maria Grazia Designed by Chiuri, it is a classic piece. The all-over embroidery features a multi-color Mexican Jouy print pattern on a white background designed by Pietro Ruffo, which highlights the beauty of butterflies and traditional Mexican flowers in colorful tones. It can store a variety of daily necessities. The large style features the Christian Dior Paris signature on the front, a nod to Dior’s savoir-faire, and can be carried by hand or over the shoulder.
Christian Dior Paris signature on front
Includes dust bag
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Matches the photo. Fast delivery to the doors.
Great quality for the price. I love using this dior bag!
The dior bag came quickly. the quality is good. The daughter took herself very much
The dior bag is made very high quality, the lines are even, light, looks decent. Purchase is happy! Seller recommend!!!