Fendi Peekaboo Bags Handbags Shop the Best High Authentic Quality Replica
$151.00 $204.00
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The Peekaboo Cut medium-sized handbag is made of full leather. This design is an unconventional and innovative interpretation of Peekaboo. It adopts a moving cross-cut design, showing metal bars and classic horn locks on both sides, with a chain decorated with O’Lock details. It can be carried or carried. Backpack
Size 11/34/18.5
Style No. 8608/1480F
Size 11/34/18.5
Style No. 8608/1480F
Brands: Fendi, Fendi Peekaboo
Tags: fendi peekaboo bag with leopard interior, fendi peekaboo x lite, fendi tricolor medium peekaboo powder
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