Goyard Tote Bags Doodle Green
$104.00 $134.00
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Goyard 170th Anniversary Limited Tote Graffiti Avocado Green 👍👍PM GM
Brands: Goyard
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The seller of the well done very quickly sent the parcel, plus put the gift, the parcel came quickly, I advise the whole seller.
The request is the same description and shipping in record time thank you to the seller and I recommend dealing with this seller❤️❤️❤️❤️
As described. Arrived before the expected delivery date. Received at home by CTT Courier. No need to contact the seller.
bags top too only praise arrived product and quality well ahead of schedule only even wrapped by mail top!!!
Like the bags, being very helpful for my use, can put everything I need
As compliant with the description,fast delivery-good stuff! In 15 days only
Fast delivery a week and a half is not more, Very good bags,I like.
Really pretty, practice and well made. For the price of a very good buy!!