Top Quality Replica Fendi Peekaboo Bags Handbags Blue Light Pink
$124.00 $178.00
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FENDI peekaboo ISEEU medium handbag👜, continues the trapezoidal outline and square twist lock design of the classic peekaboo handbag. It is lined with pink leather and has an accordion pleat structure on the side. The bag is stiff and stylish, full of strength. Size: 29x12x19 Shoulder strap hangings are payable separately
Model number 70193s light blue
Model number 70193s light blue
Brands: Fendi, Fendi Peekaboo
Tags: fendi green crocodile peekaboo, fendi mini peekaboo calfskin, fendi peekaboo look replica, micro fendi peekaboo mini, peekaboo large fendi, white fendi peekaboo
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