Where quality designer replica Louis Vuitton LV Cluny Bags Handbags Black M46053
$119.00 $168.00
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M46053 black webbing
CLUNY MM handbag 46372 The pure structure and silhouette of the handbag will never go out of style, and the strap adopts the bright colors that are popular nowadays. The Louis Vuitton logo declares the brand’s identity, and the Cluny handbag is very practical and is the ideal business bag. The top handle can meet the different requirements of hand-carrying and elbow-handling, and the removable shoulder strap can also meet the requirements of shoulder carrying. Magnetic clasp keeps personal finances safely stored. 33x 23x 13cm
CLUNY MM handbag 46372 The pure structure and silhouette of the handbag will never go out of style, and the strap adopts the bright colors that are popular nowadays. The Louis Vuitton logo declares the brand’s identity, and the Cluny handbag is very practical and is the ideal business bag. The top handle can meet the different requirements of hand-carrying and elbow-handling, and the removable shoulder strap can also meet the requirements of shoulder carrying. Magnetic clasp keeps personal finances safely stored. 33x 23x 13cm
Brands: Louis Vuitton, LV Cluny
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